Since 1992, Saint Rita’s chapel in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris welcomes a multitude of believers who come to worship there, to beg for God's help by the powerful intercession of this Patron of the " desperate causes ".
Saint Rita’s chapel in Fontenay-aux-Roses near Paris, welcomes a multitude of believers who come to worship there, to learn more on one or the other of the aspects of the Christian mystery, sometimes beg for God's help by the powerful intercession of this Patron of the " desperate causes ", Rita from Cascia, or also to give thanks for favours granted.
Oblates of the Virgin Mary have the pastoral responsibility of this chapel.
They are known for their friendliness and dynamism, their capacity to listen and their accessibility, their competence in preaching the Word of God and arousing this authentic search for God that makes the conversion of the heart and personal holiness visible. With them, committed laymen, men and women, cooperate in this ecclesial mission according to the spirit and the charisma of their founder, Father Pio Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830).
Opening hours of the Chapel
Every day from 7:15 am to 7:30 pm.
The schedule of masses :
- From Monday to Saturday: 7:45 am and 5:30 pm
- On Sunday and Holy days: 11am and 5:30 pm
Availability of the priests
The Oblate fathers of the Virgin Mary are always available for confessions and spiritual meetings. Before masses or by contacting them directly. Particularly, a priest is present every day from 4:30 pm to 5:25 pm by the sacristy.
The Congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary keeps since 1844 a marial sanctuary in Nice: the church of the Annunciation. In the 1930s, Father Andrea Bianco receives and places a statue of saint Rita in this church: quickly, saint Rita attracts quantities of believers and pilgrims who come to ask for her, intercession and to thank for the obtained graces. Indeed, saint Rita is the Patron of the desperate cases, " the saint of the impossible”: If you have the chance to read her life, you will understand why … In front of this influx of believers and afflicted persons who so found the road of the church, in front of also the demands repeated by numerous believers, Oblates of Nice thought that it would be good to base a chapel dedicated to Saint Rita in Paris region. They thus decided to establish to Fontenay-aux-Roses a community of Oblates, with a chapel as a center of apostolate. By virtue of the French law, they created at first a residence for students, Oblates having had the experience of this in Pisa (Italy). The Residence Lanteri was built in 1962-1963. But it was necessary to wait a numerous years before being able to bring to a successful conclusion the construction of the chapel. That it is allowed us to express here all our gratitude and our admiration for the remarkable work made by Father Secondo Richiardone omv who was the founder of the house of Fontenay-aux-Roses. The construction of the chapel was made in two years, and it was inaugurated on July 22nd, 1992 by the Bishop de Cascia (diocese of Spoleto), Mgr. . Antoine Ambrosanio. The consecration was celebrated by Mgr.. François Favreau, Bishop of Nanterre, on November 21st, 1992, the vigil of the feastday of Christ the King.
Services at Saint Rita’s Chapel
For the faithfull, Saint Rita’s chapel offers silence and peace proper to meditation and prayer. Furthermore, you wil find there :
- Celebrations of mass twice a day (7:45 am and 5:30 pm)
- Possibility to talk with a priest whether for a spiritual accompaniment, or for a listening ear or to confess, a priest is available every day from 4:30 pm till 5:30 pm or at any time when making an appointment.
- Bookshop and religious store: where you can find books and religious objects to support your spiritual quest. The store is open every day from 4 to 5 pm except on Wednesday.
- Courses for Christian formation: under various forms, Oblates of the Virgin Mary who animate the Saint Rita’s chapel offer spiritual retreats, meetings for study of religious themes and animations for prayer